Supporting Nonviolence and Social Justice Since 1974.
168 Canal Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10013 (212) 533-4335 [email protected]

Cornerstones of Nonviolence

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Essay Series Pamphlets
The A. J. Muste Memorial Institute Pamphlet Series — Provocative writings and speeches on nonviolence and social justice by the people whose ideas and actions have framed the social change movement. $2.00 each.

Ordering Information

Available Titles

  • #1: Martin Luther King, Jr.—America’s leading apostle of human dignity—“Loving Your Enemies”; “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”; “Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam” [Quote] [For Spanish version, see #13, below]
  • #2: Barbara Deming—the feminist connection to nonviolence—“On Revolution and Equilibrium” [Quote]
  • #3: Henry David Thoreau—the original architect of resistance—On the Duty of Civil Disobedience [Quote]
  • #4: Jessie Wallace Hughan—suffragist, peace activist, founder of the War Resisters League—Pacifism and Invasion; On Duelling [Quote]
  • #5: Emma Goldman—fiery orator, anarchist, agitator for peace and liberation—Preparedness: The Road to Universal Slaughter; The Individual, Society and the State [Quote]
  • #6: Rosa Luxemburg—courageous leader of Germany’s democratic socialist movement—Prison Letters [Quote]
  • #7: A. J. Muste—foremost Twentieth Centry pacifist theoretician and activist, minister, socialist—Who Has the Spiritual Atom Bomb? [Quote]
  • #8: On Wars of Liberation [OUT OF PRINT]—three essays on pacifist responses to armed freedom struggles, including analysis of Gandhi’s position [Quote]
  • #9: Aldous Huxley [OUT OF PRINT] —Twentieth Century visionary and prolific writer—Science, Liberty and Peace [Quote]
  • #10: Paul Goodman—pacifist, anarchist, activist—The Morality of Scientific Technology; The Psychology of Being Powerless
  • #11: Some Writings on War Tax Resistance—thoughts, poems, tales from resisters, including Juanita Nelson, Allen Ginsberg and Pete Seeger [Quote]
  • #12: Sidney Lens—peace and labor activist, socialist, occasional political candidate—six articles spanning three decades on the state of the U.S. labor movement
  • #13 (Spanish): Martin Luther King, Jr.—“La Fuerza de Amar”;"Carta desde la Carcel de Birmingham"; y Declaración de Independencia de la Guerra en Vietnam (Spanish language translations of "Loving Your Enemies," "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" and "Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam" ) [información en español]
  • #14: Jeannette Rankin—first woman in Congress, suffragist, pacifist—“Two Votes Against War” and Other Writings on Peace [Quote]
  • #15: David McReynolds—longtime anti-war activist, War Resisters League staffer and Socialist Party presidential candidate—“A Philosophy of Nonviolence” [Quote]
    Panfleto No. 13: Tres Ensayos por Martin Luther King, Jr.-"Amad a Vuestros Enemigos", un sermón que fue pronunciado por King en la iglesia bautista de la avenida Dexter en Montgomery, Alabama, en la Navidad de 1957, después de haber estado encarcelado por haber cometido actos de desobediencia civil no-violenta durante una campaña que denunciaba la segregación racial en los autobuses de Montgomery; "Carta desde la Cárcel de Birmingham", escrito por King cuando estaba otra vez encarcelado por manifestarse en contra de la segregación racial, esta vez en Birmingham, Alabama; y "Declaración de Independencia de la Guerra en Vietnam", el famoso discurso anti-guerra, pronunciado por King en la iglesia de Riverside, en Nueva York, un año antes de su asesinato.

    Precios: 20 copias o menos: $2.00 c/u; más de 20: $1.40 c/u (pagable en dólares de EE.UU.). Librerías y organizaciones pueden pagar a plazo de 60 días. Por favor decirnos como enviar su orden (lo más rápido, lo más barato, etc.). No aceptamos devoluciones. Para hacer una orden o para más información, escriba (en español o inglés) al Instituto Conmemorativo A. J. Muste, 168 Canal St., 6th Floor, New York, NY 10013, USA; email [email protected]; o llame al (212) 533-4335 en inglés L-V 9am-5pm, o en español L, Mi, V 10am-3pm EST (hora de Nueva York) .

    To place your order, call or write:
    A. J. Muste Memorial Institute
    168 Canal St., 6th Floor, New York, NY 10013
    tel (212) 533-4335
    email [email protected]

