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2008 Adalys Vázquez Solidarity Travel Fund Grants

The Muste Institute’s Adalys Vázquez Solidarity Travel Fund (formerly NOVA Travel Fund) helps grassroots activists from Latin American, Caribbean and indigenous North American organizations to participate in regional meetings. The deadlines are every two months, on the first day of February, April, June, August, October and December. Guidelines are in Spanish at http://ajmuste.org/novaintro.html, and in English at ajmuste.org/novaintro-eng.html.

In 2008, the Adalys Fund made the following 53 grants totaling $53,593.21:

Akuaipa Waimakat - Asociación para la Divulgación, Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos e Indígenas, Manaure, La Guajira, Colombia: $1,330 in August for Yerly Susana Palacio Polo and Griselda Rosario Iguarán López, members of Akuaipa Waimakat (Association for the Disclosure, Promotion and Defense of Indigenous and Human Rights) to participate in the Americas Social Forum (Foro Social de las Américas), held October 7-12 in Guatemala City, Guatemala.

Asamblea de los Pueblos del Caribe (Capitulo Republica Dominicana), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: $1,050 in April for two representatives from the Dominican Republic chapter of the Caribbean Peoples Assembly to coordinate their struggles with the other social movements of the Caribbean at the 4th Caribbean Peoples Assembly June 28 to July 5 in Havana, Cuba.

Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Agricultura - ASDEA (Association for the Development of Agriculture), San Martín Jilotepeque, Chimaltenango, Guatemala: $400 in August for five Kaqchikel indigenous activists, members of ASDEA, to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization (Encuentro Hemisférico Frente a la Militarización), held October 2-6 in La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras.

Asociación Indígena Newentuleaiñ, Nueva Imperial, Chile: $1,265.38 in August for Juan Curiqueo Ñanco to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras and the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

Asociación de Mujeres Indígenas del Tolima (ASMIT), Chaparral, Tolima, Colombia: $1,438 in October for 25 indigenous Pijao women, members of ASMIT, the Association of Indigenous Women of Tolima, to participate in a Nov. 21-22 visit to the agro-ecology farms of Quindío Department in Colombia.

Asociación Programa de Desarrollo de Áreas Elim (APRODAE), San José Guayabal, Cuscatlán, El Salvador: $700 in August for 12 activists from grassroots groups linked to APRODAE to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras. Asociación Unión Nacional de Mujeres Kunas, Panama City, Panama: $700 in February for a representative of the National Union of Kuna Women to participate in the First International Forum of Indigenous Women “Sharing Advances for New Challenges” held April 13-16 in Lima, Peru.

Associação de Favelas de São Jose dos Campos, São Jose dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil: $1,200 in December for Cosme Vitor and Angela Aparecida da Silva of the Association of Slum Neighborhoods of São Jose dos Campos to attend the World Social Forum, held January 26 to February 1, 2009 in Belem, Brazil.

Cabildos Mayores del Río Sinú y Río Verde of the Resguardo Emberá Katío del Alto Sinú (CAMAEMKA), Tierralta, Córdoba, Colombia: $975 in August for José Ricardo Chisco Moreno of CAMAEMKA (High Council of the Río Sinú and Río Verde of the Emberá Katío indigenous reservation of the Upper Sinú) to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras.

Centro de Derechos Humanos Tepeyac del Istmo de Tehuantepec, Santo Domingo Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico: $800 in April for Rosalba Vásquez Contreras from Communities for the Defense of Irrigation Waters to attend the 4th Latin American Meeting of Redlar, the Latin American Network Against Dams in Defense of Rivers, Water and Communities, held July 22-26 in Santa Cruz de Lorica, Colombia.

Centro de Mujeres Indígenas (Aymaras) Candelaria, La Paz, Bolivia: $1,150.75 in August for Clotilde Marquez Cruz to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras and the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

Comisión Multisectorial, Montevideo, Uruguay: $450 in February for activist Anahit Aharonian to participate in the 6th meeting of the Unión de Asambleas Ciudadanas (Union of Citizen Assemblies, UAC), held April 4-6 in Capilla del Monte, Córdoba, Argentina.

Comitê Popular de Mulheres - RJ, Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: $1,400 in December for travel expenses for Grassroots Women's Committee activists Leila de Souza Netto, Iara Maria Alves dos Santos, Tatiane Maria dos Santos da Silva and Nemese da Silva do Nascimento to participate in the World Social Forum in Belem, Brazil.

Comunicadores y Comunicadoras Populares Por la Autonomía - COMPPA, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico: $1,423 in August for seven community radio activists affiliated with COMPPA's partner organizations in Oaxaca (Mexico) and in Petén, Quiché and Cobán (Guatemala) to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras.

Comunidad Charrúa Basquadé Inchalá, Montevideo, Uruguay: $1,115 in August for Evelyn Baldassari of this Uruguayan indigenous organization to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras and the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

Comunidad Indígena Fernando Huaiquil, Nueva Imperial, Chile: $1,265.38 in August for Ruth Carolina Caniullan Huaiquil to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras and the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

Comunidades Eclesiales de Base de Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaragua: $1,000 in June for Carmen Maximina Martinez Baltodano to participate in the 8th Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Church Base Communities held June 30-July 5 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo - CLOC, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: $1,400 in June for two representatives of the Confederación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas (CONAMUCA, the National Federation of Peasant Women), an affiliate of the Latin American Coordination of Rural Organizations (CLOC), to participate in the Americas Social Forum in October in Guatemala.

Equipo de Animacion y Coordinacion de las Comunidades Eclesiales de Base de la Arquidiocesis de Salta, Salta, Argentina: $250 in June for a representative of the Organizing and Coordination Team of the Church Base Communities of the Archdiocese of Salta to participate in the 8th Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Church Base Communities, held June 30-July 5 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Espacio Psicosocial para el Fortalecimiento Comunitario (EPFIC), San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico: $197.80 in October to the Psychosocial Space for Community Strengthening (EPFIC) to help 60 campesino leaders of indigenous communities from five regions of Chiapas state participate in the IX International Congress of Social Psychology of Liberation (IX Congreso Internacional de Psicología Social de la Liberación), held Nov. 14-16 in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. [NOTE: original grant was for $1,200 but EPFIC reimbursed the Travel Fund for most of the total after other funding came through.]

Federación Costarricense para la Conservación del Ambiente (FECON), San José, Costa Rica: $650 in April for María Adelita Lázaro Ortiz of the Regional Indigenous Council of the Southern Zone to participate in the Redlar meeting in July in Colombia.

Fédération Syndicats Travailleurs(euses) Eléctricité d'Haiti (FESTREDH), Port-au-Prince, Haiti: $909.80 in August for Raphael Dukens of the Haitian Electricity Workers Union  to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras.

Frente de Lucha Mapuche y Campesino, Esquel, Chubut, Argentina: $1,508.63 in August for indigenous Mapuche activist Moira Millán to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras, the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala, and a meeting with indigenous Kuna activists in Panama.

Frente Unido en Defensa del Ecosistema, San Miguelito, Panama: $670 in June for Adelaida Miranda of the Movimiento 10 de Abril – Río Tabasara -  Comarca Ngöbe Bugle to participate in the Redlar meeting in July in Colombia.

Fundación Diálogo Mujer, Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia: $1,500 in August for travel expenses for nine regional coordinators of Mujeres Autoras Actoras de Paz-MAAP (Women Authors Actors of Peace) to participate in a national meeting of MAAP in late September in Bogotá, Colombia.

Fundación para la Promoción del Conocimiento Indígena (FPCI), Panama City, Panama: $940 in October for 13 Kuna indigenous women activists, members of FPCI, the Foundation for the Promotion of Indigenous Knowledge, to participate in the General Congress of the Kuna People (Congreso General del Pueblo Kuna), held March 13-15, 2009, in Dad Nackue Dupbir, Comarca Kuna Yala, Panamá.

Fundación Esfuerzo y Prosperidad –FUNDAESPRO, Guatemala City, Guatemala: $1,480 in August for a group of 12 grassroots activists from FUNDAESPRO and its partner organizations to travel to the 8th Regional Gathering on Solidarity Economics (8o Encuentro Regional Sobre Economía Solidaria) held October 21-23 in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.

Fundación Promotora de Cooperativas - FUNPROCOOP, San Salvador, El Salvador: $1,000 in August for 20 grassroots leaders from the Movimiento por la Vida y Equidad Campesina – MVEC (Movement for Campesino Equity and Life) to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras and the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

Grupo de Mulheres Negras Nzinga Mbandi, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil: $1,000 in June for Silvana Veríssimo of the Nzinga Mbandi Black Women's Group to participate in the XVII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2008) held August 3-8 in Mexico City.

Grupo de Trabajo Independiente sobre Saberes Ancestrales y Biodiversidad del Napo, Napo, Ecuador: $800 in April for two indigenous Kichua midwives and/or traditional healers, organized in the Independent Working Group on Ancestral Knowledge and Biodiversity in Napo, to travel to the 11th International Congress of Ethnobiology, “Livelihoods and Collective Biocultural Heritage,” held June 25-30 in Cusco, Peru. The objective of the congress was to reinforce the role of indigenous people and local communities in the management of their collective biocultural heritage.

Iglesia Católica Cristo El Hijo del Hombre, San Miguelito, Panama: $800 in June for Casimira Ríos, a representative of the Outreach and Organizing Team of the Church Base Communities of the Archdiocese of Panama (EPACEB) to participate in the 8th Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Church Base Communities held June 30-July 5 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Juventud Obrera Cristiana –JOC- Guatemala, Guatemala City, Guatemala: $340.56 in October for Brenda Elizabeth Justiniano Castañeda and Edgar Desiderio Menchu Rosal to attend a Central American regional meeting of the Juventud Obrera Cristiana (Christian Worker Youth) movement, held Nov. 7-10, in Nicaragua.

Kontak Nasyonal T.K.L. YO, Port-au-Prince, Haiti: $1,500 in June for Marie Nardege Moise of the Church Base Communities of Haiti to participate in the 8th Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Church Base Communities held June 30-July 5 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Mouvement Paysan de Papaye (MPP), Port-au-Prince/Papaye, Haití: $909.80 in August for Kettly Alexandre of the Papaye Peasant Movement to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras.

Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens - MAB, São Paulo, Brazil: $1,154 in June for MAB representative Soniamara Maranho to participate in the Redlar meeting in July in Colombia.

Movimiento de Activación Social Alternativo (MASA), Estelí, Nicaragua: $1,500 in August for 15 members of MASA (Movement of Alternative Social Activation) to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras and the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

Movimiento Amplio de Mujeres (MAM), Lima, Peru: $890 in August for Denisse Chávez Cuentas of MAM to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras and the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

Movimiento Nacional Anti Represas de El Salvador (MONARES), San Salvador, El Salvador: $800 in April for a representative of the National Anti-Dam Movement of El Salvador to participate in the Redlar meeting in July in Colombia.

Movimiento por la Paz, la Soberanía y la Solidaridad entre los Pueblos, Buenos Aires, Argentina: $1,200 in February for a representative of  the Movement for Peace, Sovereignty and Solidarity Among Peoples (MOPASSOL) to participate in the 2nd Hemispheric Meeting of Struggle Against Militarization in Honduras.

Mujeres Organizadas Emprendedoras de Estelí - MOES, Estelí, Nicaragua: $750 in June for Julissa Lissette Velásquez Dormus of the women's group MOES to participate in a meeting on reproductive, sexual and human rights in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Organización para el Desarrollo de las Mujeres Inmigrantes Haitianas y sus Familiares (ODEMIHF), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: $1,385.76 in August for Carline Vital of ODEMIHF (Organization for the Development of Haitian Immigrant Women and their Families) to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras.

Organización Femenina Popular, Barrancabermeja, Colombia: $1,118.15 in August for Nery Isabel Sánchez Márquez to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras and the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (OFRANEH), La Ceiba, Atlántida, Honduras: $900 in June for a representative of OFRANEH to participate in the Redlar meeting in July in Colombia.

Otros Mundos, A.C., San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico: $250 in August for María Elena Domínguez and Adela Hernández Díaz of the Colectivo Lunatik, from Comitán, Chiapas, to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras.

Plateforme Haïtienne De Plaidoyer Pour Un Développement Alternatif (PAPDA), Port-au-Prince, Haiti: $927.94 in August for Jean Claudy Aristil, a member of the Cayes People's Unity Movement (Movimiento de Unidad del Pueblo de Cayes, MUPAC), to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras and the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

Pobladores A.C., Xalapa, Mexico: $371.06 in August for Marco Antonio Romero Cortazar of this community organizing group focused on housing rights to participate in the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

Red de Acción Indígena Noroeste, Sonora and Baja California, Mexico: $1,300 in August for five members of this northwestern Mexican indigenous network to participate in the 2nd National Congress of Social Medicine and Collective Health "For the Defense of Healthcare as a Right" (II Congreso Nacional de Medicina Social y Salud Colectiva “Por la Defensa de la Salud como un Derecho”), held November 24-28 in Mexico City.

Red Bonaerense de Personas Viviendo con VIH-SIDA, Buenos Aires, Argentina: $1,000 in June for a representative of the Buenos Aires Network of People Living with HIV-AIDS to participate in the XVII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2008) held August 3-8 in Mexico City.

Red de Solidaridad y Desarrollo Comunitario, Managua, Nicaragua: $900 in August for 15 members of the grassroots organizations belonging to the Another World is Possible Nicaraguan Social Movement (Movimiento Social Nicaragüense Otro Mundo es Posible) to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras and the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

Red Thread, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana: $1,500 in December for activist Joycelyn Bacchus to participate in "Struggling Against Sexism and Racism: An International Comparison," a two-week program of public events and consultations among grassroots organizers, starting with women, held from January 31 to February 14 in London, England. Red Thread is a grassroots women’s group formed in 1986 that seeks to bring together Guyanese women across racial divides to organize together to change their conditions.

Secwepemc Native Youth Movement, Chase, BC, Canada: $1,500 in December (via the Skwelkwek’welt Protection Center) for Native youth activists Mandy Manuel and Guarionex Guateberi to participate in the World Festival of Dignified Rage, held December 26-29 in Mexico City, Mexico and January 2-4, 2009, in San Cristóbal De Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.

Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ) Paraguay, Asunción, Paraguay: $1,500 in August for María Basiliana Montiel Vázquez of SERPAJ Paraguay to participate in the II Hemispheric Gathering Confronting Militarization in Honduras and the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

Union Proletaria “Hasta la Victoria Siempre” A.C., Candelaria, Campeche, Mexico: $125 in August for Sara López González to participate in the Americas Social Forum in Guatemala.

February 2008: 3 grants, $2,350
April 2008: 5 grants, $4,100
June 2008: 11 grants, $10,424
August 2008: 26 grants, $27,200.65
October 2008: 4 grants, $3,918.56
December 2008: 4 grants, $5,600

Total 2008: 53 grants, $53,593.21